07 Dec Change Log: Version 1.60
Posted on 07 Dec 2022
in Change Log
The Bitfinex Change Log is an overview of all performance and UI changes made to the Bitfinex trading platform. For an overview of all previous changes, please refer to blog.bitfinex.com/category/changelogs.
Version 1.60
- Updated to include toggle options for the Interactive book order
- Updated the How to buy BTC page to add info about converting BTC to LN-BTC on the mobile app
- Updated the Press page to add new info about Branding Guidelines
- Updated to implement red/green switch for the Bitfinex Pulse share position feature
- Updated to hide left-side components in a collapsible widget
- Updated to improve the currency tag validation for XRP
- Updated to increase font weight across the platform
- Updated the UX improvement when generating new code on the Affiliate page
- Updated the Movement, Deposit and Wire info modals
- Updated the deposit LN-BTC page to 2 buttons in the invoice generation dialogue
- Updated the design for the Table, Header, and Sort icons
- Updated to add tooltips to deposit cryptocurrency pages
- Updated OpenPayd withdrawal fees
- Updated to add Bitfinex feed in Pulse to aggregate posts from Bitfinex and Bitfinex_Alpha accounts
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue of Order History, Orders, and Offers History sorting by status issue
- Fixed balances not loading in Trading when not authenticated
- Fixed the issue of labels overlapping for narrow slices in the Balance pie chart
- Fixed the issue of large balances overflowing the Balance box
- Fixed the Over-the-Counter maximum amount in SAT mode
- Fixed the issue of balances overlapping with positions’ P&L statement in the Balance box
- Fixed widget resize issue when Customising the Layout
- Fixed the styling of fiat amounts error messages in card deposits
- Fixed the Deposit, Tether and QR Code freshly generated Address field value update issue
- Fixed the item date format in Movements to match Account settings
- Fixed the Export button spaces and colours in Movements
- Fixed translation for the accepted currencies
- Fixed subtitle for the Deposit page
- Fixed title and subtitle on the Withdrawals page
- Fixed the issue of the checkbox with two whitelisted addresses tag/no tag
- Fixed the border style issue for fiat amount in Deposits
- Fixed the recent deposits/withdraw table so that it does not require a refresh to show recent movements
- Fixed the Movements status colours
- Fixed layout width on some screen size values
- Fixed the issue with “more info” appearing like a link on the Deposit page
- Fixed the deposit and withdraw tables’ header icons
- Fixed the adjust UI for a small preview link in Bitfinex Pulse
- Fixed the add error handling for Bitfinex Pulse
- Fixed Filter Pulse feed, based on language preference selection
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