28 Jun Mobile App Change Log 5.8.0
Recent updates and optimizations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 5.8.0 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes an enhancement on Price Alerts to limit multiple alerts in the customized time period.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app stores too! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active user base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Updated to show the order status as a progress bar
- Improved sign up for iOS 15 users to be directed to Apple Password Manager
- Improved input validation in the Login with API page
- Updated the Forgot Password URL
- Improved Order Book render performance
- Improved price alert to not repeat time interval selection
- Improved to show full history link at the header in Full Trades screen
- Improved to show link footer in the same style as Order History
- Improved Order Book Bid/Offer to only populate rate and not overwrite the amount
- Improved readability by reducing decimal digits for PnL amounts to 2 if the dollar value of PnL is larger than 1
- Updated the chart’s loading background color
- Updated separate chart configurations for Lite and Pro mode
- Updated chart library
- Addition of ATLAS, POLIS, and VRA icons
- Removal of UOP, XSN, ESS and MDOGE token icons
- Updated funding summary display in Funding offer form
- Updated to change the Funding detail panels
- Updated to show token name in confirm dialog when canceling all Funding active Bids & Offers
- Updated to always show transfer, ledger and deposit at bottom of Wallet menu
- Addition of paste icon to a memo field in Withdrawal page
- Updated to hide Ownr deposit processor for unsupported countries
- Removed Algorand from Staking
- Updated MATIC stake reward rate to 12~16%
- Updated to show correct Bank wire fiat selection header
- Updated to show correct Deposit Tether MXNt information
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue of username not allowing a “@” symbol in the sign up form
- Fixed issue of PRO | LITE selection screen displaying after logout
- Fixed issue of Price formatting not being aligned with the web for small and full book
- Fixed issue of maximum Buy/Sell button shows NaN when clicking with price = 0 in Order Form
- Fixed issue of missing the exit fullscreen chart icon
- Fixed issue of slider update showing an inaccurate amount in Order Form
- Fixed issue of collateral number formatting in Orders
- Fixed issue of Bitfinex Borrow errors
- Fixed issue of Bitfinex Pulse account disappearing
- Fixed issue of Bitfinex Pulse Your feed sometimes showing an empty list
- Fixed issue of Bitfinex Pulse issue of new Pulse creation and an error Message appearing
- Fixed issue of displaying Referral code in Bitfinex Pulse
- Fixed issue of Pulse links without content in the preview
- Fixed issue of Create Pulse post unknown error by reducing the share P/L image size
- Fixed issue of Pulse notification list is not updated when a notification arrives
- Fixed issue of Swap open button having a different background color
- Fixed issue of Wallet menu showing different background color
- Fixed issue of app share crash on Android
- Fixed issue of app share button get cut off on smaller screens
- Fixed issue of being unable to navigate back in Reports screen
To share any further feedback, please complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.