20 Jul Mobile App Change Log 6.5
Recent updates and optimisations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 6.5 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes general improvements.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app store or by completing the Bitfinex mobile user app survey! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active customer base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Updated to recommend app mode for low-end devices
- Updated to show P2P trading suggestions
- Updated to show 2FA modals in full screen
- Updated the Google Authenticator icon
- Added the Order Book update frequency switch between Realtime and Throttle 5S
Updated to add P2P Trading shortcut under account dashboard - Added token icons for ANT, BLUR, FORTH, HIX, ICE, JASMY, KAVA, LUNA2, MIM, OPX, PEPE, POLC, SIDUS, SPELL, SXX
- Fixed the issue of chart reset not reflecting certain changes on the web after syncing
- Fixed the issue of the chart showing candles after resetting in Lite Mode
- Fixed to clear amount when switching trade actions
- Fixed the issue of the trading pair screen auto-switching to the Stake screen
- Fixed the OTC small amount showing the wrong format issue
- Updated to show proper message when no bank wire provider is available
- Updated to hide keyboard after inputting withdraw amount and selecting next step
Fast Pay
- Updated to show movements error on the Scan screen
- Updated to merge Plan B with Bitfinex Merchant Pay Map data
- Updated the Permissions to add IP access restrictions
- Updated to new ads for users when using Account Switch and Merchant Map
- Fixed the rate limit error in Bitfinex Pulse
- Updated translations
- Updated Staking values
- Updated to hide image for an attached link when Bitfinex Pulse posts have their own attachments
- Updated to enable autocorrect for Bitfinex Pulse post inputs
- Updated support article links
You can also share your feedback with us by joining our Bitfinex Telegram channel and Discord community.