28 Apr Manage your Bitfinex Pulses through API
We’ve been busy in the background to make Bitfinex Pulse much more accessible through automation. Following its launch yesterday, we’re pleased to announce the addition of Bitfinex Pulse API documentation.
If you’re a developer, you can get straight to our REST API to post, delete, or check your history. For those that might be new to APIs, we’ve put together some steps to help you out below:
1. Create a Bitfinex Pulse profile
You need a Bitfinex Pulse profile to be able to post pulses. To create one, go to bitfinex.com and login to your account.
2. Create an API key
First, you need to set up your own API key. You can learn how to do it on our support page. The Bitfinex Pulse endpoints are REST authenticated V2 API calls. However, there are also two public endpoints for pulse history and pulse profile.
To learn more about Bitfinex authenticated REST API, go to our authenticated endpoints documentation.
We make it even easier for you to get started on Bitfinex Pulse. With these ready-to-use scripts below, you can post pulses or delete them, simply by adding your API key and API secret.
3. Post your first pulse
You are ready to post your first pulse ever on Bitfinex Pulse! 🎉 Here are the scripts and instructions to follow.
Some general tips for posting a pulse:
- Images can be added to the body using the base64 format.
- All markdown features are supported on Bitfinex Pulse. Title and Content should be strings (no HTML content allowed) with Title must be a minimum of 16 characters and a maximum of 120, whereas Content must have a minimum of 16 characters.
- Pulses are posted as private by default, if you want to post them as public make sure to add isPublic: 1 to the body.
4. Delete a pulse
We know people make mistakes sometimes. So, we accommodate that by providing the ability to delete a pulse on Bitfinex Pulse. If you, by any chance, want to delete a pulse, here are the scripts and instructions to follow.
If you’d also like to view the latest pulses you can use this public endpoint or to keep up with a specific Bitfinex Pulse profile you can use this one.
And you’re off to a good start in managing and automating your pulses on Bitfinex Pulse.