21 Mar API Updates
Posted on 21 Mar 2014
in API
We have some great news for our API users! Three API upgrades have today been introduced to facilitate an improved trading experience for our users:
- You can now generate and revoke multiple API keys on the API access page
- A new call has been added to obtain information about your margin account: unrealized PL, net value, minimum net value,… with POST /v1/margin_infos
- A new call has been added to obtain your current fee schedule for trading: POST /v1/account_infos
- The /lendbook call now returns FRR offers, as well as a flag to distinguish FRR and fixed rates offers
The 2 new API calls are both authenticated.
Furthermore, we are also please to inform you about 2 changes regarding the claim feature for margin positions:
- The fee for claiming a position has been reduced from 1% to 0.2%
- The claim feature now allows you to settle any leverage position (long or short) using your trading wallet assets and/or your unrealized profit. The “Claim” button on each of your open position will provide you the necessary information (how much of the position you need to reduce and/or how much balance you need to have in order to take advantage of it
Thank you for choosing Bitfinex!