01 Feb Bitfinex Pay – Release V1.3
Posted on 01 Feb 2022
in Bitfinex Pay
Bitfinex Pay is a crypto payment processor that allows businesses and merchants to receive crypto payments into their Bitfinex account for products sold or services rendered.
We’re pleased to share the latest updates to Bitfinex Pay. For more on Bitfinex Pay, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/category/bitfinex-pay/
- Integration of WalletConnect, allowing users to scan a QR code and choose from over 100 compatible wallets to complete their payments
- Addition of support for Avalanche (AVAX), Dogecoin (DOGE), MATIC (ERC-20), MATICM (mainnet), Solana (SOL), and Litecoin (LTC) to the merchant verification form and invoices
- Addition of support for EUR and GBP fiat base price, enabling stores that accept payment in EUR and GBP to use Bitfinex Pay
- Addition of credit card payment option for Bitfinex users with at least intermediate level verification
- Addition of OWNR as third-party processor for credit card payments
- Updated terms of service
- Addition of a new section with links to all libraries on the landing page
- Moved Wallet compatibility error from the main menu to the Wallet selector menu
- Improved text in invoices
- Improved the display of payment address in Manual Payments
- Fixed issue of Lightning invoice always expiring after 10 minutes
- Fixed issues with design, typos, and translations on the landing page
- Fixed USD conversion showing three decimals on user balance
Start accepting crypto payments with Bitfinex Pay today: https://pay.bitfinex.com/