26 Oct Change Log: Version 1.8.0
Posted on 26 Oct 2015
in Change Log
New Features
- New “Gears” Menu (view)
- Security Center (view)
- Support Center (view)
- PGP Email Encryption (view)
- New option to place hidden margin funding offers (view)
- New security setting to lock withdrawals for 5 days after a password change (view)
- History & Reports (view)
- Integrations (view)
- Websockets API
- Change Log
- Located in the top right corner next to your Account Menu
- Contains integrations, API-related items, Announcements, and this Change Log
- New interface for managing your security settings. Easily see which settings you are making use of and see any recommendations for improving security.
- Found by your Account Menu > Security Center in the top right corner, or at /security
- One page with everything related to support. FAQs, guided tours, contact information, etc
- Found using the top right corner Support dropdown (the question mark circle icon) then Support Center, or at /support
- Found in the “Email Encryption” section of the Security Center.
- Defaults to ON
- New page for consolidating all report.
- Found by your Account Menu > History & Reports, or at /history
- New page for exploring all of our 3rd party integrations
- Found by the new Gears menu next to your Account Menu, select “Integrations”, or at /integrations
- Beta release of Websockets API
- View documentation at docs.bitfinex.com/#websocket
- Available through the Gears menu or at /changelog
Major Changes
- API Keys advanced permissions (view)
- API Documentation (view)
- Improved mobile experience (view)
- Account Settings (view)
- Improved confirmation boxes (view)
- Improved deposit address interface (view)
- Create API keys with more advanced read/write permissions.
- Available using the new Gears menu next to your Account Menu, or at /account/api
- New comprehensive documentation for our REST and Websockets API
- Open source libraries for Go and Node.js with more coming soon.
- Improve toggling of sidebar
- Improve use of horizontal space
- Improve form layouts
- Improved interface and organization for easier management of account settings.
- Add button to copy address to clipboard
- Address QR code opens in modal window for easier scanning
Minor Changes
- Added two new reports to /history for Taken Margin Funding
- Added 30 day, 7 day, and 24 hour historic prices on the Stats page, /pages/stats
- Moved Bitgo configuration to /integrations
- Moved Login History to History & Reports, /history
- Improved behavior of sidebar to work well at narrower browser widths
- Removed a redundant notification email for withdrawals
- Sidebar is toggleable to minimize / maximize.
- Updates to the “Financial” section of verification forms.
- Add wire withdrawal options to withdraw API
- Guided tours. Found using the top right corner Support dropdown (the question mark circle icon) or at /support
- Improve logo
- Improve favicon