02 Nov Change Log: Version 1.8.1
Posted on 02 Nov 2015
in Change Log
New Features
- Clef
- Post-only limit orders (view)
- API call to close a position
- Clef is secure two-factor authentication with no passwords or tokens.
- First, configure Clef on your account by visiting /integrations. (view)
- Second, get the Clef app on your iPhone or Android device
- Third, log in with Clef by scanning the waveform. (view)
- A limit order that ensures the user pays the “maker” fee by only being placed if it will be added to the order book and otherwise canceled if it were to cause a match
- POST /v1/position/close with a position_id integer
Minor Changes
- Improve mobile experience for logging in
- Improve deposit page interface
- Misc UI improvements