01 Apr Change Log: Version 3.6
Posted on 01 Apr 2019
in Change Log
The Bitfinex Change Log is an overview of all performance and UI changes made to the Bitfinex trading platform. For an overview of all previous changes, please refer to blog.bitfinex.com/category/changelogs.
Version 3.6
- Greatly reduced the amount of auth token issued.
- Futures:
- Extended summary component
- Extended support of order form
- Split margin positions from futures.
- Added a modal to update collateral value.
- Improved the bfxuilib positions reduced to support futures fields.
- Added the collateral column to positions table.
- Santiment page:
- Linked Eth address & tx hash to Etherscan.
- Hid Transactions component if no transactions are present.
- Double ws connection pub and auth.
- Add an info icon and tooltip on MainTicker component.
- Add symbol mapping for the second currency of the pair.
- Ticker List shows the correct ticker symbols for the last symbol in the pair (internal symbols displayed before).
- Landing Ticker List tabs have the correct ticker mapping.
- Santiment modal now be scrollable.
- Sub dup error spam no longer appears.
- Edit Order Modal: Amount field is no longer empty when editing an order.
- Provided Funding: Solved error when clicking on the renew button.
- Tickers Filter dropdown list is no longer cut off when the height of the component is small.
- Funding Book: Changing precision will no longer take a long time to update.
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