05 Dec Change Log: Version 3.2
Posted on 05 Dec 2018
in Change Log
The Bitfinex Change Log is an overview of all performance and UI changes made to the Bitfinex trading platform. For an overview of all previous changes, please refer to blog.bitfinex.com/category/changelogs.
- Added support for Time-in-force (TIF) orders.
Time-in-force is a specific instruction made to an order indicating the duration as to when the order will remain active until it is executed. If an order is not executed up until the indicated time it will expire without impacting your balance.
- Updated all the dependencies and build processes.
- Added functionality to queue order messages with pauses in between them.
- Removed support for legacy data formats.
- Minor performance improvements across the platform.
- Improved code splitting of JS bundles.
- Minor bug fixes.
To stay up to date with all future platform developments, please refer to Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram & Youtube.
The Bitfinex APIs are designed to allow complete access to the features provided by Bitfinex. Learn more about our API documentation here.
We’ve recently open-sourced a number of the development libraries most essential to Bitfinex. If you are interested in learning more, visit our Github.