05 Jul Honey Framework 3.12
Our latest version of the Honey Framework is all about movable components. On the trading page, all elements are now configurable components, which allows our users to add or remove components according to their needs.
The Honey Framework is a powerful tool that allows users to program their own custom order types and trading strategies. It integrates directly into the bitfinex.com trading interface, providing users with a native experience.
We’re pleased to share the latest updates to the Honey Framework. For more on the Honey Framework, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/tag/honey-framework/
- Updated theme with improved font, look and feel
- Current Ticker price is now shown in a Ticker box similar to the Bitfinex platform
- Layout can now be customized from the top right dropdown menu
- Improved performance using reselect for components
- Fixed column width on table components
- Addition of search by currency’s full name
- Error messages are now displayed next to the erroneous field in the Order Form
- Base and quote currency are now displayed in the Order Form
- Addition of bars instead of circles on Orders and Order History for shorter width
- Implemented minimum component size
- Volume in the Ticker widget is now shown in US Dollars
- Perpetual swaps are renamed
- Group notifications with expand/collapse toggle
- Renamed ‘futures’ to ‘derivatives’
- Fixed WebSocket connection status with no internet
- Addition of currency into component title of chart, Order Book and Trades
- Exchange/margin’s dropdown switched to toggle in Order Form
- Notifications refactoring and improvement
- Addition of button to only update keys in settings
- Addition of message for no balances in Balance widget
- All components are now movable
- Fixed API keys to form overlay with execute order
- Fixed Ticker’s maximum amount of currencies
- Filtering with all symbols is now allowed on trading stage
- Aligned Ticker component with Bitfinex web application
UI (Dev)
- Moved proptypes
- Refactor strategy editor and trading section
- Removed unused code and switched to fn component
- Refactor chart and chart panel
- Refactor Order Form inputs
- Fixed missing props in settings
- Time-weighted average price (TWAP): Fixed column name and last row content in CSV logs
- TWAP: Prevented exception in ‘onDataTrades’ event handler
- Accumulation/Distribution (Acc/Dis): Fetched correct indicator class for relative offset and cap
- Acc/Dis: Skipped outdated moving average (MA) values for order price calculation
- Acc/Dis: Added CSV logging for better testing
- Acc/Dis: Fixed error on MA cross cap indicators
- Order creates OCO order: Cancel all orders
- Fixed retry attempts on order submit
- Log system: Log and test TWAP orders
- Rewrote Order Form validation for better user interface support
- Refactor benchmarks
- Check potential memory leak on reauthentication
- Refactor, cleanup unused code
Fancy contributing to the project? Please open a pull request to https://github.com/bitfinexcom/bfx-hf-ui
Download the Honey Framework today: https://honey.bitfinex.com/