21 Oct Mobile App Change Log 4.12.0
Posted on 21 Oct 2021
in Change Log
Recent updates and optimisations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 4.12.0 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes support for sign in via email and password.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app stores too! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active user base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Addition of support for sign in via email and password (login without 2FA is not supported yet)
- Addition of support for QR code scanning for inputting withdrawal address
- Users can now scan a QR code from an image on their device in the signup page and withdrawal form
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish, Turkish, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese
- Updated screenshots in mobile app landing page
- Maintenance Page:
- Users will get this update without having to re-open the app when in the maintenance page
- Updating message is now shown when updating in the maintenance page
- Updated background color of maintenance page
- Addition of customer support link in maintenance page
- Check for updates every five minutes when in the maintenance page
- Bitfinex Pulse:
- Pulse links now open in in-app browser
- Wallets:
- Addition of backdrop color for slide-in menu in Wallets
- Chart:
- Chart loading time sped up by fetching smaller sizes of initial candles
- Sign Up:
- Themed the signup page’s hCaptcha background and loading color
- Addition of country/region fields in signup page
- Trade:
- Translated token info article opens in in-app browser in the Trading detail page
- Addition of translation for FOK order canceled message in Order History
- Funding:
- Removal of redundant ‘0’s in the auto-fill max amount in Funding
- Edit Permission:
- Loading modal now shown after Edit permission
Bug Fixes
- Services:
- Fixed display for Leaderboard
- Fixed issue of Affiliate Program not opening on iOS
- Fixed back navigation in in-app browser.
- Log In:
- Fixed iOS 15 issue of entering PIN code after app restart
- Fixed issue of creating PIN screen not displaying when login with API key
- Fixed deep link error with paper trading pair
- Fixed changelog modal not displaying after update
- Fixed issue of guest users in Bitfinex Pulse clicking on a pulse’s like or reply button being directed to login screen
- Fixed issue of login with deep link not displaying the create PIN screen
- Maintenance:
- Fixed maintenance links in the description
- Fixed issue of biometric and PIN authentication being requested in the maintenance page when returning from the background
- Chart:
- Fixed issue of chart candles not loaded after returning from the calculator app
- Fixed reconnect logic for charts
- Fixed issue of being unable to scroll down in chart’s dropdown menu
- Bitfinex Pulse:
- Fixed issue of profile image not displaying
- Fixed issue of ‘Your Pulse’ screen keeps loading when accessing account without Pulse nickname
- Fixed issue of followers or following not loading more than 10 profiles
- Fixed issue of Pulse deep link
- Trade:
- Fixed marking order UI breaking for a long number of USD equivalent price
- Fixed issue of satisfaction popup still displaying after clicking the ‘X’ close button
- Fixed issue of banners flashing when reopening upon dismissing
- Bitfinex Borrow:
- Fixed calculation data with paper tokens
- No 2FA modal now changed to warning notice
- Withdrawal:
- Fixed issue of LNX withdrawal available balance being tappable
- Fixed issue of incorrect date displayed when the account is on infinite hold
- Account
- Fixed issue of 2FA input modal not opening after edit permission
- Fixed issue of Account tab displaying the wrong title after language change
- Fixed issue of last logged in time of a sub-account as ‘Never logged in’ when the user is not logged in yet
To share any further feedback, please complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.