11 Nov Mobile App Change Log 4.13.0
Recent updates and optimisations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 4.13.0 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes a Fast Pay shortcut in wallet to make quick payments via the Lightning Network.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app stores too! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active user base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Support for Fast Pay function via Lightning Network BTC
- Integration of Simplex as card payment provider for deposits
- Addition of support for address book and whitelist address in Withdrawal
- Maintenance notice modal now shown before scheduled maintenance
- Securities accounts shown in Account section
- Upgraded SDK and packages
- Support for affiliate code in sign up form
- Users can now tap a pair row in the Positions, Orders, or Position detail page to go directly to the related trading pair page
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish, Turkish, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese
- Backdrop color now shown in Orders and Order History filter modal
- Android status bar color aligned with mobile app theme
- Applied theme for Zendesk full screen modal
- Username and last login column now shown in sub-account
- More sub-account details shown
- Addition of sub-account withdrawal disabled notice to crypto withdrawals
- Addition of merchant account field in sub-account
- Permission edit button is hidden when no permission is required
- A second biometric or PIN code prompt is avoided after login and app update/restart
- Aligned all help links in same style, i.e. green hollow icon and green text
- Addition of a button to clear the amount field in the Wallet Transfer form
- Addition of deposit warnings for tokens to prevent users from depositing the wrong token
- Addition of deep link support for deposits and withdraw URLs
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue of user not allowed to access paper deep link when logged in as a normal user
- Fixed issue of ‘Forgot password’ button not working
- Email and username exist error message shown in sign up
- Fixed issue of email errors remain after reopening login page
- Fixed padding issue of signup confirm label
- Fixed issue of HTML entities in Bitfinex Pulse post and profile not unescaped
- Fixed issue of Bitfinex Pulse post and profile not exist page not shown via Bitfinex Pulse deep link
- Disabled account read and write switch when submitting permissions
- Fixed issue of affiliate page
- Fixed request permission on app browser
- Fixed issue of wallet modals not being dismissed with hardware back button on Android devices
To share any further feedback, please complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.