02 Dec Mobile App Change Log 4.14.0
Recent updates and optimisations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 4.14.0 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes the addition of a new buy or sell Order Slider feature.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app stores too! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active user base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Addition of new buy or sell Order Slider feature
- Users can choose to display bitcoin (BTC) or Satoshi (SAT) unit in Fast Pay
- 24-hour spend limit shown in Fast Pay
- Addition of support links for Fast Pay
- Addition of Bitfinex live chat under Contact Support in Account tab
- Deposit button shown when selecting a token’s balance in Wallet
- Updated minimum verification level for Simplex to Basic
- Updated confirm modal buttons for Order, Position, Funding and Taken to Yes/No
- Support tap on the form slider
- Support tap to copy columns’ value in detail pages of Positions, Orders and Order History
- Support tab to copy columns in detail pages of Recent Deposits and Withdrawals
- Share post icon in Bitfinex Pulse now the same as the web version
- Addition of safety alert for error report during startup
- Addition of icon for Polygon (MATIC)
- Price Alerts and Notifications moved to Settings page in Account tab
- Renamed and moved Support Center in the Others page of Account tab to Create Ticket in the Contact Support page.
- Multiple types of 2FA shown for sub-accounts
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish, Turkish, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue of affiliate code not generating
- Fixed issue of Fast Pay failing in Bitrefill with Lightning Network
- Fixed issue of truncated USD equivalent display in Fast Pay
- Fixed issue of Lightning Network BTC (LN-BTC) showing 0 USD equivalent in Wallets
- USD equivalent value shown in LN-BTC deposit amount field
- Fixed issue of create PIN screen white glitch while switching PIN template
- Fixed issue of Order Form balance showing different amounts in Wallets
- Fixed issue of unclear error message when IP address not whitelisted
- Fixed issue of unclear OTP error message
- Fixed issue of notification not showing for derivatives* immediate or cancel orders
- GIF URL excluded from Bitfinex Pulse post
- Fixed issue of taking or uploading a photo in the verification page for iOS devices
- Fixed issue of unnecessary 0 rate shown in Funding Book’s empty side
*The derivatives platform is provided by iFinex Financial Technologies Limited. References to Bitfinex Derivatives in this post are references to iFinex Financial Technologies Limited.
To share any further feedback, please complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.