10 Mar Mobile App Change Log 5.2.0
Recent updates and optimizations to the Bitfinex mobile app
We’re pleased to present Version 5.2.0 of the Bitfinex mobile app.
The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes new options for the chart candle colors.
You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).
Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app stores too! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active user base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.
- Addition of Fast Pay bottom tab in Lite mode
- Users can now choose between two options for their chart’s candle colors, either green up / red down (default) or red up / green down
- Fast Pay enhancements
- Payment received modal now shown in Fast Pay’s Receive page
- Improved message for insufficient balance to pay invoice
- Addition of cancel button for Fast Pay in Lite mode
- Addition of paste icon for 2FA in Fast Pay
- Loader now shown after submitting 2FA in Fast Pay
- Replaced comma with period for localized iOS keypads in Fast Pay
- Updated JP and CN-ON user sign up and login permissions
- Updated verification requirements for placing new order
- Network stability enhancements
- ‘No internet connection’ message only shown if network check or device is not connected, else shown ‘Connecting’ message
- ‘Connecting’ message now displayed when device is connected but network check is not connected yet
- Updated trading header’s last price to mirror the rate on the web platform
- Click to copy transaction ID and payment ID in Recent Deposit or Withdraw detail panel
- Balance slider changes when max buy or sell dot is tapped
- Addition of paste icon for address book inputs
- Knowledge Base link moved into Contact Support
- The search term in Lite mode will now persist after switching the quote currency tab
- Removed RUB from Simplex card deposit
- Updated MATIC staking earning rate
- Inline wallet selection shown instead of picker in Wallet Transfer
- Updated dashboard icons in Account tab
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish, Turkish, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue of netinfo connect state after reopening app from background
- Fixed issue of app not reconnecting after returning from background
- Fixed incorrect connection message in slow networks when PIN code is enabled
- Fixed issue of Reports screen freezing after navigating back from background
- Fixed issue of app browser displaying blank screen after waiting several minutes before navigating back from the background
- Fixed issue of chart reloading after reopening from background
- Fixed issue of logout stuck when network is switched or no internet
- Fixed issue of toasts not expanding
- Fixed issue of Prohibited Person modal not showing when PIN is enabled for login user
- Fixed issue of pressing back in the app’s browser sometimes going back to the main app
- Fixed issue of header price disappearing when opening pair link from order detail page
- Fixed issue of incorrect Tether tokens (USDt) low balance message shown in Fast Pay
- Fixed issue of incorrect padding in Fast Pay Receive input in iOS
- Fixed issue of invalid address when inputting USDt on Tron and Liquid
- Fixed issue of scientific notation shown instead of the decimal format in Wallet Transfer
- Fixed issue of BTC-convertible tokens (e.g. LBTC, LN-BTC) showing incorrect USD equivalent in Wallet Transfer form
- Fixed issue of BTC-convertibles tokens (e.g. LBTC, LN-BTC) not having Margin or Funding wallet
- Fixed issue of Wallet balance sorting based on USD equivalent
- Guest user access to Fast Pay in Lite mode avoided
- Fixed issue of small available balance displaying incorrectly in Wallet Transfer
- Fixed issue of LN-BTC balance not shown when Small Balance filter is checked in Lite Mode
- Fixed issue of fullscreen ad display header
- Fixed issue of not being able to open OTP authentication link
To share any further feedback, please complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.